Inverted Faith

I like pushing people i like away

I do it the easy way

I show them affection and interest

This is the self destructive domain


Harm yourself and mourn with us

Burry yourself deep in the mud

Let the dark forest show you your reflection

Let the foggy lake comfort your pain

I like pushing people i like away

I do it the easy way

I show them my appreciation and admiration

Welcome to self harm

Open your book

Follow my lead

Cut yourself and say

I hate my self

I am full of disgust and worry

I lament my own despair

I am full of fear and pity

I smile to my own ugliness

But sometimes the pendulum swings the other way

Out of the blue i would take a walk

I ll choose tiny dirty roads amongst tall buildings

I seek the sick and the weak

I seek those in pain

They are my easy prey

I stab them and scream

I laugh and get a tense feeling in my pants

I stab them behind their back

I stab them at night

I gore them when they are asleep

I vomit my own blood afterwards

The smell is all over the place

Why for satans sake open guts smell so aweful

I get painful cramps in the process

I get panick attacks in public

I flee to restrooms for air

And when i do i think of american psycho

Beware of evil intentions

Never rest in peace

within the domain of chaos

Never rest in peace

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